Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #154
I love when people point with their alcohol cups.
Wouldn't it be awesome if someone was walking around handing out fresh towels at a derby bout? Good job, Fran!
I like to think that Fran is always hanging around the corner from Bonnie.
Good thing Herb's boyfriend knows how to cook a good foot.
Pssh, procedures.
Yay, two new characters! Their derby names will be revealed shortly . . .
Soooo I started a Pinterest page for Bonnie, because it's fun and I'm obsessed with inspiration boards and it's obnoxious. Click here to check it out! I'm going to keep posting new fun snippets of clothes, objects, roller derby things ... fun!
Here's a Monday Bonnie to make up for no Thursday comic last week! It's been a crazy couple of weeks kicking of January, so thanks for baring with me through all the shifting updates!
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