Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #554
/Hello and HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!! So sorry for the prolongued silence. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm doing well, and I'm through 2/3 of my breast cancer treatment, hooray! That means I've gone through 4 1/2 months of chemo and one surgery, and up next is radiation. SO MUCH FUN Y'ALL (except not really. Not at all). To read the gory details, I posted a lot on my patreon page over the last half of 2017. But I'm hoping to be slowly getting back up to speed and once radiation's over, will be free to show my face in the world again! I appreciate all of you sticking with me and putting up with ZERO Bonnie updates. While I can't promise I can update Bonnie regularly again yet, I will promise to post as many as I can! I MISS YOU ALL!
In the meantime, my other comic Assassin Roommate is about to begin its 2nd Season, which you can read weekly over at Webtoons!
And also also, here's a pic I drew in honor of the full moon the other night, of Stuart and Herb in all their Werewolf Sexyness.
“There’s something both earthy and retro about Monica Gallagher’s style — which is perfectly in keeping with the nature of her brazenly femme heroine, Bonnie N. Collide. ”