Stuff N' Things!
/First up, there's a new Comics Library image up, which more accurately describes the kind of shenanigans we're up to over on Patreon:
Second, I'm going to start a new video series that I'm calling "The ABC's of American Cryptids", in which I go through all the cryptids I've catalogued for the U.S. in alphabetical order!
It'll be part story-telling, part me redrawing with more detail each cryptid at a time. Starting with ADLET, who hails from Alaska:
Can you guess what he's all about?
(Apologies for the watermark - a while back I had to repost all my cryptid images with a giant watermark because sites like Temu have already stolen and sold my art - maybe this makes it a BIT harder to steal? And then grow a conscience? Hahaha, here's hoping!)
Thirdly, THE MATRON's (the serial killer series I'm illustrating) Kickstarter is 91% funded with just 5 days left! If you wanna give us a pre-order to push us to the finish line, it's appreciated!
And lastly, but definitely not leastly - I designed a graphic for prints/t-shirts where I'm donating 100% of the profits I receive to the National Park Foundation and the National Forest Foundation. Because, y'know - now we have to do this shit. Here's where you can find it in my Etsy Shop and in my Threadless T-Shirt shop - we've raised over $100 so far!
Monica Out! I'll let you know when that cryptid video drops, woo!