Happy New Yaaaar's!

Happy end of 2012, everyone! I'd like to celebrate by sharing a few of the Christmas commissions I've been working on lately ...




Now, a SPOILER WARNING for the images below ... as I've blathered on about before, I'm currently obsessed with Game of Thrones (on book 5 now, yippers!). My brother is too, and for Christmas wanted to do some drawings featuring the characters. BUT these may be a spoiler for anyone who is reading the books and isn't past Book 3 yet, so tread further at your own risk!

I decided I wanted to do a series of Game of Thrones SUPERTEAMS, so for now I've just drawn these two:



I have a bunch of ideas for other ones I want to do in the future. Why? Because -- OBSESSED!!

Anyway, I hope you all have a shiny glittery New Year's Eve tonight (I believe this is a night for as many sparkles and as much make-up as you want to wear, as is my custom). Catch y'all on the flipside!

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Mad Guns, Right?

Sorry everyone, but there won't be any Bonnie updates this week, since I'm trudging through my MOVING NIGHTMARE. Rookie House-Buying Tip: Don't schedule your move into your new house the weekend you get back from a wonderful comic convention in New Orleans. Just saying. But I'm pretending that my arm muscles have grown exponentially from all the graphic novels I've been hauling. MAD GUNS on these arms. Wait, are arm guns the biceps or the forearms?

Hopefully I'll be all hooked back up by the end of the weekend, but if not I might have some delirious blog posts from my phone. Thanks for bearing with me!

P.S. I finally saw The Dark Knight Rises, and Bane's voice was as deliciously theatrical and Sean Connery-esque as I'd been promised. Loved it! I mean, you have to figure he better EMOTE with that voice since there's shit all over his face. Am I right? Also, I did like Catwoman, but I'll post more later on that. In the meantime ... at Wizard World New Orleans I did this pencil sketch of Pepper Potts for a lovely woman in an Iron Man dress who didn't get to pick it up - please email me and let me know if this is yours!

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Vampire Saturation

I've held off on watching True Blood for a while. At first I heard things like "this show is amazing! You gotta watch!" and then it quickly turned to "that show is crap" or "it's just a big dumb soap opera" to eventually "omg you have to watch because the men are so hot". So obviously, I became intrigued. As someone who's been too inundated with images of naked women romping about (Game of Thrones, even though I love you, give it a rest already), I figured it was fine time to get to see a show that celebrated the male form. The NUDE male form. Hence, True Blood.

But even though my initial impulse to watch wasn't necessarily noble, I quickly became interested in the story and fell in love with (most) of the characters. Lafayette, Tara, Sam, Jason, Alcide, Jessica, Eric, Andy, Pam .... just a few who are never predictable and every time you see them they add another notch of complexity. Much like Friday Night Lights, it's easy to pigeonhole these "types" before you get to know them, and then watch as they unfold into ever changing, unpredictable people.

Except for Sookie. Ugh. Can they do something with her, please?

Sure, I could tell on the series when they were throwing in obligatory Maenad sex parties or romps with fairies in the forest in order to boost ratings. Luckily the strength of the actors was enough to keep things interesting and flowing and not cringeworthy when the script suddenly made someone a little TOO over-the-top.

So I just want to thank you, True Blood, for all the seasons I recently binge-watched. As I mention in this post on my other blog, summer is not my favorite time and these cold-cheeked vamps have helped me get through another one.

Oh, and does Pam remind anyone else of Janice?

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Derby Portraits

Last weekend I was commissioned by some friends/fellow Charm City Roller Girls alums/Night Terrors to create a derby portrait for the magnificent PAIGE FAULT, who is sadly moving out of our fair city of Baltimore .... *sniff sniff*. I love doing derby portraits, and this one was especially fun - not just because I know/love Paige, but I also know her penchant for all things ridiculously cute.

If any of you out there are interested in a derby portrait, give me a holler!

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Sketch Dump!

I've posted a couple of these as I was doing them, but here's a consolidated bunch of some sketches I've done recently ....

There was this amazing little girl at Stumptown who was dressed as a little Catwoman ... the best part was the whole time she was there, she kept running around and sneaking up on her dad to karate chop him!

... And Free Comic Book Day last weekend! I had such a great time at Collectors Corner - Randy really knows how to throw an event! The line was out the door, around the corner, and down the street. Check out the super cool documentary they put together about the day! (there's even an embarrassing part where I introduce myself and my website)

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