Bonnie Kickstarter begins ... NOW!

I almost posted "Bonnie Kickstarter BEINGS now" because that's how caffeinated/psyched I am for it! And really, I am 100% a Bonnie Kickstarter Being. ANYWAY. I've created my FIRST EVER Kickstarter in order to get a collected Bonnie Volume 1 printed up, so check it and all the rewards and the video with my (awkward) voice and everything over on the Kickstarter page!

Love you guys and all the support over all these years I've been doing Bonnie! Wait, that sounds like I'm ending it - I'm NOT ENDING BONNIE, SHE WILL BE MY FRIEND FOREVER!

Bonnie Stickers

Ohhh I had so much fun creating these!

These sweet babies are vinyl, waterproof, and just a wee bit under 4" x 4". Perfect for affixing to your phone (like I did over my scratched up case), your derby helmet, or your car!


Get a set of all three or buy them individually at my shop! (I know some of the images seem to be missing there today - Storenvy says they're working on it!)

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This is going to take some getting used to ...

Woo hoo! Now that my new website is all up and running (of course, you should ignore the bits that are still blank - what, did you expect this to be a COMPLETE site or something??), it's funny to be posting a blog post here about the fact that there's a new Bonnie here!

But here's a link to where you can find Bonnie now, in case you don't feel like searching.

:)  Welcome everyone!

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This is going to take some getting used to ...

Woo hoo! Now that my new website is all up and running (of course, you should ignore the bits that are still blank - what, did you expect this to be a COMPLETE site or something??), it's funny to be posting a blog post here about the fact that there's a new Bonnie here!

But here's a link to where you can find Bonnie now, in case you don't feel like searching.

:)  Welcome everyone!

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CCRG Bout Tomorrow!


I'll be selling my wares tomorrow night at the Charm City Roller Girls bout at Du Burns Arena! Come on out to cheer on our local teams - Female Trouble and the CCRG All Stars, or go crazy and support the out-of-towners - Garden State Roller Girls and Rat City Roller Girls. Although, we can't promise what will happen to you if we catch you cheering for Rat City ... ;)

New Bonnie N. Collide Strip

Woo! 99 strips done! You may be asking why it's not 112, like it says on my site page. That's because I'm counting the ones that just I did, not taking credit for the gorgeous Tim Fish strips. Which you can read starting here!

I also wanted to let you guys know that since I'm (still) in the process of revamping my whole website, once that's complete I'll be adding an archives page and a character page to this strip. I know not having an archive page has been a headache for some of you guys, so thanks for your patience with me! I promise it'll be worth the wait!

New site's pending arrival? I'm gonna sayyyyy ... mid-August. THERE, I SAID IT. ... (now I have to do it by then! Eep!)

Derby Portraits

Last weekend I was commissioned by some friends/fellow Charm City Roller Girls alums/Night Terrors to create a derby portrait for the magnificent PAIGE FAULT, who is sadly moving out of our fair city of Baltimore .... *sniff sniff*. I love doing derby portraits, and this one was especially fun - not just because I know/love Paige, but I also know her penchant for all things ridiculously cute.

If any of you out there are interested in a derby portrait, give me a holler!

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Bonnie N. Collide update! With comments!

New Bonnie post!

And to celebrate, I've decided to add a comments box! Yes, I'm finally now doing what others have been doing with their comics for YEARS.

At first I tried HTML Comment Box, but on a recommendation, I'm giving Disqus a whirl. Check it out and let me know what you think! ... And be kind. Clearly these things take me a while to add/perfect. :)

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Bonnie N. Collide update! With comments!

New Bonnie post!

And to celebrate, I've decided to add a comments box! Yes, I'm finally now doing what others have been doing with their comics for YEARS.

At first I tried HTML Comment Box, but on a recommendation, I'm giving Disqus a whirl. Check it out and let me know what you think! ... And be kind. Clearly these things take me a while to add/perfect. :)

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Bonnie N. Collide update! With comments!

New Bonnie post!

And to celebrate, I've decided to add a comments box! Yes, I'm finally now doing what others have been doing with their comics for YEARS.

At first I tried HTML Comment Box, but on a recommendation, I'm giving Disqus a whirl. Check it out and let me know what you think! ... And be kind. Clearly these things take me a while to add/perfect. :)

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