Interested in a custom drawing in black and white or color of you, your family, your pet, or your favorite character? You’ve come to the right place! Check out the info below, or my portfolio page to see some examples!
I charge 50% up front and 50% upon receipt.
Got something larger/more complicated in mind than what's listed below? Bonus fun! Shoot me an email and I’ll send you a custom quote. Hooray, let’s get started!
Black & White Portraits
8 x 10 Bust, B/W
11 x 14 Waist Up, B/W
Want more than one person in the drawing? Shoot me an email to get a costume quote!
Color Portraits
8 x 10 Bust, Color
11 x 14 Waist Up, Color
Want more than one person in the drawing? Shoot me an email to get a custome quote!