Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #477

Bro-zoned AGAIN. OMG BIG BONNIE NEWS - yesterday this li'l comic was reviewed by NPR!!!! 

There’s something both earthy and retro about Monica Gallagher’s style — which is perfectly in keeping with the nature of her brazenly femme heroine, Bonnie N. Collide.
— Etelka Lehoczky, NPR Books

I'm still freaking out about it, eeeeeeeee!!!

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #476

Complicated and complicated-er! And a note on the Bonnie nav - still a bit wonky but luckily I'm in touch with a kind soul who may be able to help me. For now, if you're on a strip and it goes somewhere crazy with the next button, just type the strip number in the browser window! I know, it's like manually changing a tv when you've lost the remote - annoying! Hopefully it will alllll be correct soon.

And a big YAY THANK YOU for all of you who came out this past weekend to Bmore Into Comics and made our tenth show SUPER SPECIAL! It was such a great, big crowd of new faces and made all of us exhibitors super happy. Until the next one! (in December, but I won't start bugging you about it yet!)

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #475

Sexual GPS!

HEY LOCALS this Saturday it's NOT the hottest weekend of the year in Baltimore (that was last weekend at Artscape), but it is time for Bmore Into Comics again! Come on out to see local comics creators, listen to mini panels, borrow from the comic library, and sip on comic themed drinks. Check out this killer poster that Kata Kane designed, using a bunch of our exhibitors' self portraits!

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #474

Expert communication specialists! But anyway HEY LOCALS this Saturday it's NOT the hottest weekend of the year in Baltimore (that was last weekend at Artscape), but it is time for Bmore Into Comics again! Come on out to see local comics creators, listen to mini panels, borrow from the comic library, and sip on comic themed drinks. Check out this killer poster that Kata Kane designed, using a bunch of our exhibitors' self portraits!

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #472

*Bonnie groping for something nice to say*

Well WELCOME EVERYONE to my new site! I put in some serious nail-biting hours this weekend (and weekends prior, as is my coding custom), but I'm super happy with the result!! And you may have noticed now things are muuuuch more mobile friendly, too! For now I'm still combing through the Bonnie and Gods & Undergrads archives, trying to make sure they're all properly sorted navigation wise, so if you go through those they might be a little wonky at the moment but will be fixed soon.

Yaaaaay hope you all enjoy! I'm looking forward to fun new things I can do here. :D

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #471


Okay the time has come - this weekend I will be attempting to rehaul my site and hopefully won't break it TOO much - so there might be downtimes, but you can always find Bonnie on my Tumblr in the meantime! I'm super excited about having a new website that's easier to use and navigate. Wish me luck, this dinosaur of a site is gonna need it!


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #468

Just bro stuff.

*website update* I mentioned before that things will get a bit weird around here while I switch platforms, so I'll keep you guys updated but I think it's gonna happen soooooon! And after spending last weekend shouting at my computer, luckily now it looks like it'll be possible. So stay tuned, and I'll make sure I let you know about any disruptions via twitter, tumblr, etc just in case the site goes down!