Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #539
/Here's a refresher of what happened when Bonnie and Slam were starring in I Know What You Did Last Make-Out ...
Here's a refresher of what happened when Bonnie and Slam were starring in I Know What You Did Last Make-Out ...
Just bro stuff.
*website update* I mentioned before that things will get a bit weird around here while I switch platforms, so I'll keep you guys updated but I think it's gonna happen soooooon! And after spending last weekend shouting at my computer, luckily now it looks like it'll be possible. So stay tuned, and I'll make sure I let you know about any disruptions via twitter, tumblr, etc just in case the site goes down!
Remember that last time? It got reeeeeal awkward.
Not sure if Slam is groaning because of Bonnie's joke or because she still insists on saying "WINK" WHILE winking. SOOO this week is NEW YORK COMIC CON!! I'll be at table BB15 in Artist Alley, unless I'm at one of these things: Thu 3:30-4:45 & Sun 11-12:15 Signings at the Oni Press Booth, and Fri 1:30-2:30 Kickstarter 101 Panel: An Intro to Funding Your Dream Comics Project in Room 1A24. :) Come say howdy!
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