Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #552

Hi folkses! Bonnie will resume shortly BUT HERE'S SOME NEW NEWS RIGHT NOW: my new webcomic ASSASSIN ROOMMATE will be debuting on Webtoons Tuesday, June 6th and running weekly for the next 6 months, WAHOOOO! Come join me, won't you? 

There’s something both earthy and retro about Monica Gallagher’s style — which is perfectly in keeping with the nature of her brazenly femme heroine, Bonnie N. Collide.
— Etelka Lehoczky, NPR Books

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #551

I too would be pissed if someone hinted at a Game Night and didn't deliver!

BIG SHOUT OUT to everyone from C2E2 this weekend! I had such a blast and will definitely return next year! Chicago + family + comics pals + fun commissions + lovely new faces = one magical convention. Now it's time for me to hide until TCAF and VanCAF - the Canadian DOUBLE THREAT I'll be attending in May!

There’s something both earthy and retro about Monica Gallagher’s style — which is perfectly in keeping with the nature of her brazenly femme heroine, Bonnie N. Collide.
— Etelka Lehoczky, NPR Books

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #502

WHAT HAPPENS when three out of four of the league captains fight? Nothing good!

Also, I think it's fiiiiinally time to start putting in cameos from my lovely Kickstarter backers! The lovely ladies on the ref team with Slam are none other than my dear friends Lauren & Suzanne! (also not the first time I've put Lauren in one of my comics before - check out the eaaarliest pages of Gods & Undergrads to get a glimpse of her there, too!)

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #498

I like The Rose Bucket because it sounds like the perfect dive bar - part strong smell, part collection of god knows what inside!

I'm back from NYCC! I have the delightful Con Crud or Con Plague or whatever the cool kids are calling it now ... Con Seasonal Allergies? That one sounds pretty lame. But I had a GREAT time and was so excited to meet familiar faces and greet new faces with my own face! I might be Con Delusional, so please excuse all the ramblings I'm putting here. Sorry for the lateness on this strip, but there'll be another Bonnie this week, just when you least expect it!

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #453

THE DREADED TALE IS REVEALED. WOO new double-strip! This is the first time I've attempted it, it's pretty fun! And in other comics news, I posted a little autobio strip on going through tough times yesterday you can check out here!


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five


Second team is up now, which we've spent some more quality time with in the comic: The MURDEROUS MUSES!

Led by Captain Lorelei Getmore, the Muses are bursting with energy and rainbows. Their tactic is to outwit their opponents with color, flash, sweetness and then BAM - hit them when they're not looking! And much like their name suggests, they'll come atcha from every creative place imaginable. Since most of the team has already been introduced to us (Bonnie, Mimi, and Molly), we've only got a couple of readers to add - but that doesn't make them any less fierce!

Congrats to all the teammates! (i.e. those lovely skaters who wrote in to tell me their derby stories)

  • Headless Highness
  • Rage Down

Go Muses! The final two teams next week!

Oh, and just a reminder - these represent your little Bonnie comic cartoon self versions - don't worry (and hopefully don't be offended!) if they don't exxxaaaactly look like the REAL you. ;)

(For those of you who might be confused, I put a call out for any derby skaters out there to be a part of the comic - all it took was submitting their name/attitude/photo. I took all the submissions and found them a spot on one of Bonnie's league's home teams. These are the results! :) )

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #228


THIS Saturday is Issue #2 of Bmore Into Comics, wahoo! For those who don't yet know about it, it's a small gathering of local comics creators, exhibiting their work and selling their books in local businesses in and around Baltimore. We started it up last August to great success (which you can read about here). So if you're within driving distance of Baltimore, come on out to the Wind-Up Space from 12:00 - 5:00 this Saturday for some drinks and some comics!

I've added a Donate button over to the sidebar (over on the right, under "Donate to the Comic"), so if you'd like to support the comic in a way OTHER than buying books or any other merch, try this one out! Donate any amount you feel like, and I'll send you the link to get one of these two Bonnie phone wallpapers, as seen here in a screen cap from my phone. :)

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #227


THIS Saturday is Issue #2 of Bmore Into Comics, wahoo! For those who don't yet know about it, it's a small gathering of local comics creators, exhibiting their work and selling their books in local businesses in and around Baltimore. We started it up last August to great success (which you can read about here). So if you're within driving distance of Baltimore, come on out to the Wind-Up Space from 12:00 - 5:00 this Saturday for some drinks and some comics!

I've added a Donate button over to the sidebar (over on the right, under "Donate to the Comic"), so if you'd like to support the comic in a way OTHER than buying books or any other merch, try this one out! Donate any amount you feel like, and I'll send you the link to get one of these two Bonnie phone wallpapers, as seen here in a screen cap from my phone. :)