March Is Upon Us
/That's right it's a MARCH UPDATE because February came and went in a slew of depression and anxiety, wahoo!
So HEY Y'ALL I hope you're taking care of yourselves and managing your stress better than I am! Every day I'm spinning my wheels with dread, but hopefully soon I'll have narrowed down some designs for protest posters/tshirts that I can share with you. I know it's not much, but doing something - anything - that can derail my anxiety for a moment is worthwhile.
Anyhoo, on with the updates!
The Kickstarter for my next comic project (fingers crossed, I really want and need this!) THE MATRON has just 13 days left, so if you want to see a horror comic drawn by moi, full of super cool Slavic folklore, and written by 2 fellow Texans with a penchant for scary things, you can pre-order it now! You can also choose to have me drawing you being killed in the comic, which is extra fun:
As per usual, another month down means the Patreon Comics Library has been updated with new comics galore. Bonnie's chugging along on Book #17, ASSROOM Season 6 has 45 pages, and the ASSROOM unhinged recap of Season 3 is on its 4th page. All of which you can read right now at the Comics Monsters level! Also, if you haven’t noticed, ASSROOM Season 5 is being uploaded here, so you can catch up on all the archives previously published on Webtoon, then join us on Patreon for the NEW SHIT!
Wanna get a glimpse and see what's there? Hop on for a free trial! More patrons = many more, frequent comics and who doesn't want that in these turbulent times?
Cryptids of Scotland - The Highlands are now done! Which is #2 in my series of 5 Scottish Cryptids Prints, because there are just so dang many of them.
A while back, I posted one cryptid video (heyyy, Bat Boy) and then promptly negged myself out of doing ANY MORE. But, thanks to kind words from y'all and other friends and fam, I've decided to give it another shot. I'll be going alphabetically through all the cryptids I've already done for the U.S., drawing them each with more detail and telling you the story behind the beastie. The ABC's of American Cryptids, woo! I'll post the drawing/a brief blurb here and on IG, but the video will be the real meat.
That's it from me for now! Again, I love you all so so much and being able to post my silly drawings and thoughts for you means the world to me. <3