Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #603
/Bonnie's always quick to find the Intrigue Angle, no matter the conversation at hand! Personally, I like the idea that we're ALL activated at some point in our lives - BOOM now you're attracted to this person!
Bonnie's always quick to find the Intrigue Angle, no matter the conversation at hand! Personally, I like the idea that we're ALL activated at some point in our lives - BOOM now you're attracted to this person!
Oh the murky, possibly spaghetti-filled waters of navigating your own sexuality! And just typing that reminded me of these hilarious stock images of women in baths with their bathtub trays, and all the incorrect things assumed that women do while in the bath. But most disturbing/horrifying to me is the amount of food shown near a bathtub, euuuuggghh!
Oh, if only we could all know who we are before people tried to mess with us! The older I get, the easier it is to figure myself out, but then we're also always evolving, right?
Ohhh the conversations that are equal parts THE WORST and TOTALLY NECESSARY. Whenever we have to engage in these, may we carry the same energy as Nicole Kidman leaving her lawyer's office after divorcing Tom Cruise (I thought about this A LOT in the months leading up to finalizing my divorce). GIRL, YOU DANCE YOUR WAY OUTTA THAT MESS.
Oh, and also - we're at 600 strips, holy crap! (starts sweating at the thought that I might have to do a 2nd Kickstarter compilation soon ... )
*brushes hands together*
I've never had the courage to tell toxic people this face to face, how about y'all?
In case you were wondering WHERE THE HELL BONNIE HAS BEEN, she’s actually moved over to my Patreon page, where we’re currently on strip #678! Subscribing at the $2 Level gets you one new strip a week (newer than the ones posted here!) but the $5 Level is where the magic happens - there you get all the latest strips PLUS PDF bundles of all the strips you missed (plus wallpaper, pinups, and more comics!). It’s a great way to get all caught up with Bonnie and the gang - SO MANY ANTICS!
Most break-ups get kicked off by a coerced haircut, right?
Ah yes, the GOOD OLD TIMES. What could go wrong with a college romance??
Keep that Baby Werewolf Hope alive!
Those pesky emotions where you're tempted to tear people apart - we all have those, right? Right??
Don't forget what happened the last time you came across Bonnie, Stu-Stu! Okay so I’m FINALLY trying out a mobile version of my strips here - lemme know what you think! They look great on the phone, at least! :D
Harold & Herb's House for Wayward Werewolves is kinda catchy ...
In case you were wondering WHERE THE HELL BONNIE HAS BEEN, she’s actually moved over to my Patreon page, where we’re currently on strip #666! Subscribing at the $2 Level gets you one new strip a week (newer than the ones posted here!) but the $5 Level is where the magic happens - there you get all the latest strips PLUS PDF bundles of all the strips you missed (plus wallpaper, pinups, and more comics!). It’s a great way to get all caught up with Bonnie and the gang - SO MANY ANTICS!
You can cut this tension with one of the knives from Mimi's shirt! Do we agree Bonnie can handle this ex on her own??
Dun-dun-DUNNNNN! Also, I had a lot of fun coming up with the logo for the derby bar where everyone hangs out post-bout: Welcome to THE ROSE BUCKET.
It really is the perfect solution for garbage people - let them become SPACE GARBAGE!
OH those good ol' Toxic Peeps. I wonder how many Toxic People are aware they're Toxic, and how many just happen to have emotional manipulation on their To Do List every day.
I've missed Slam and Bonnie being bro's, how about y'all?
I just realized that having a character with a broken arm has been a consistent part of my comics work since ... the beginning? What does this say about me?? (frantically knocks wood, since I've never broken a bone)
Mabel has THE BEST timing. Must be a twin thing.
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