/SPX is one of my favorite shows to go to, and not just because it's nestled in my very own state, right down the street from my old teenage Tower Records stomping grounds. One of the reasons I love this show is because it's the very first one I exhibited at, back when I just had a binder full of printouts of my webcomic and free postcards to give away. Back when it was split up in 3 different ballrooms of a hotel, and all the exhibitors would descend upon the downstairs bar for a drink when it was over. Ah, the memories. Of the drinks.
Anyhoo. Even though I was super disappointed that I didn't get to exhibit at SPX this year, I did dash in and out for a couple hours on Saturday and immediately threw some money at some books. Here's what I'm going to check out:
Mark Twain's Autobiography by Michael Kupperman. Okay, so this one is really a gift for a friend, but I'm sure I'll probably end up reading it before I wrap it up (oh, like you've never done that!). I can't wait to see how the images and awesome Twain quotes tie in together. Have you guys ever been to his house? GORGEOUS. And, according to Ghost Hunters, haunted. Bonus!
Yessss, more Kate Beaton is always required. I'm not sure if this comes before or after the published Hark, A Vagrant, but I'm sure to love it just the same. I can't get over her facial expressions of people in medieval garb.
Paris by Maarten Vande Wiele was a pure impulse buy. The art style, the subject matter (bitchy fashionistas doing bitchy things) - I knew I had to have it. It looked like everything I aspire to be as an artist. And, maybe, as a fashionista. You don't know! It could happen!
I'll let you guys know what I think after I finish them. It's so nice to have some graphic novels in my to-read stockpile again!!