Patreon Time!
/So I've created a Patreon page! If you're unfamiliar with Patreon, it's basically a super cool way to directly support an artist whose stuff you dig (here's the page with all the info!). You can contribute monthly amounts that help me keep this comic party going, as well as gives you guys a peek into my process, videos, the latest prints and books I’ve got, original art – all sorts of fun stuff! And I know I’ve said that I plan on wrapping up G&U soon – I’ve got at least fourteen more pages to go in this storyline before I put it on hold, but you never know – I’m opening up Patreon to see what happens, and what you guys might be interested in seeing! So please do let me know in the comments on any of these pages!
I've actually been meaning to do this for a while, but kept holding off on the video part. I've got it storyboarded and ready to go, but I thought it might be fun to get a little community involvement from you guys from the get-go - because that's the main reason I wanted to do Patreon. To create more interaction betwixt you and me! (and, of course, MORE COMICS)
So since I have SPX this coming weekend, it'll be at least a week before I start taping this video thang (do people still use the term "taping"?), which gives you guys time to fill out the survey below!
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Thanks everyone! STAY TUNED, this is gonna be awesome!