2014 for Comics!
/One mistake I always make with goals/resolutions for the new year is putting down EVERYTHING I want to accomplish - like with my life, in general. It's really hard for me to just throw down a few things that I could reasonably do and give myself a supportive pat on the back. Nooo, instead I'd rather have a list of twenty things that would each take a lot of time, accomplish maybe one of them, and then beat myself up for the rest of the year for not doing the rest (as I secretly plan the next monster list of goals).
I'm not going to tell you I've learned my lessons and that didn't happen this year - I'm just going to only share part of it with you. Heh heh, clever, right?
SO I present to you my goals for COMICS in 2014!

4 States 2 Months
My travel/journal comic about my road trip adventures this summer (wrapped around deciding to get married) will resume next week and finish up by March!

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five
Bonnie will continue to update twice a week, AND I'm going to print/release a new collected book every two months! The books are still floppies, about 18 pages each (check out the previous books here).

Gods & Undergrads
Will return after 4 States 2 Months wraps up, aboooout early spring-ish. I'm exciiiited!

Secret Oni Book
Yes, it's the reasoning behind all the cryptic sketches I post on my Instagram and Tumblr - and it's finally time to finish this sucker up! Come July 1st, my plan is to have my 2nd book with Oni (which I'm writing and drawing this time!) totally in the can. Wish me luck!
I'd also like to do some more blogging here when I have time, anything in particular you guys would like to see more of? Books I'm reading, ongoing house plans, dreaded wedding planning, comics process posts?