Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #164


Call for fan art!

I've been wanting to do this for a while, so I think it's finally time to make it happen - I'd like to officially announce a call for fan art from you lovely readers out there! Some of you have mentioned to me that you'd like to submit something, some of you have already submitted something, but I thought it might be fun to gather them all together, and in one of the upcoming weeks, showcase how YOU all view Bonnie.

Actually, it could be Bonnie, but it could also be Stuart, Mimi, Hattie, Herb ... any number of the characters from this here list!

Here's how you do it! Just submit your artwork to me ( anytime between now and May 13th. The week of May 20th I'll start featuring one fan piece each on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (Bonnie will continue to update on Tuesdays and Thursdays). Depending on how much artwork I receive, this could either be a really short or really long experiment - I for one am down with either! Along with your gorgeous art, I'll mention your name/website/derby affiliation - whatever you so choose to want me to plug. And the rest of us get to see just how awesome the Bonnie fans are out there.

And speaking of awesome, here's a piece from Andy Jewett!


Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #157


And I only just realized, when looking up the phrase "Klaatu, Barada, Nikto" that it's BARADA, and not VARADA, which is what I always thought when I watched Army of Darkness. Soooo naming her Veronica after Klatu doesn't make much sense. OH WELL! Also, I have no idea if either of these names or any like it are taken by real derby peeps, but you can check out the full derby name database here! In case anyone is curious, I'm down there at the bottom under "Whipstick". :) I'd love to hear if any of you all out there have Game of Thrones or Bruce Campbell inspired ones.