The Comfort in Horror - new autobio comic!

Happy Monday! Here's a little autobio comic I made all about going through a crap time in your life and turning to horror movies for comfort. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's done this! Those movies can be downright soothing. It's my little way of sharing my experience going through bullshit and wanting to let you guys out there know that not everyone is having the best time. Social media tends to tell us otherwise, but MOST of us going through the shit don't POST the shit we're going through. I thought it was important to make sure people who ARE going through stuff know that they're definitely not alone. Hi there!

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Helllloooo everyone!

So after 7 years of webcomicking, 1 1/2 years of roller derby, 1 super successful Kickstarter, and 10 issues printed out on my home printer later ... the collected Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five Volume 1 is HEEEEERE!

Packed with the first 361 strips of the comic, plus extras on my process AND an 8-page section of pin-ups, all here for your reading pleasure!

Now available as a PDF OR get the dang printed copy itself by clicking here!

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Happy Post Pig-out Day, everyone! Here's some info on sales in my shops this weekend:

ETSY SHOP: Use the coupon codes "CYBERDEAL" and "CYBERSTUFF" for 10% off AND free shipping!

STORENVY SHOP: Use the code CYBERFACE for 20% off!

Society6 SHOP: Free shipping on every order!

Take a peek at some of the fun gift sets and new prints/sketchbooks I just added:

JHU Press Catalog

I'm so excited I finally get to share this with you all!

I had the honor of being asked to do the cover and interior art for the 2016 Johns Hopkins University Press Scholarly Journals Subscription catalog, and it came out looking INCREDIBLE! Working alongside the talented Keli Strickland, she developed characters for each of the groups whose hard work goes in to putting together the journals year after year. My part was to come up with some superhero-esque personifications of each group and blend them with Keli's ideas.

Designing the different poses, outfits, and environments they flew around in was a blast. My biggest challenge was getting the cityscape of Baltimore (because I always DREAD cityscapes) to look seamless with the characters, while also being engaging and not looking like it was a struggle!

Swapping ideas with Keli (herself a comic book/superhero fan) was so much fun and I loved the idea of getting to bring a comicky project out to the academic world.

Not to mention to see THIS! My artwork, blown up all huge and pretty like!!

Here are the rest of the pages. And did you NOTICE that shiny foil treatment on the cover?? MAGIC that Keli worked really hard with the printers to get it looking spectacular!

Thanks so much, JHU Press!

Off Across the Pond!

It's been too long since I've been to Europe (and by too long, I mean three years), so I figured I was overdue. And THIS time, I'm going to Leeds and to THOUGHT BUBBLE, hooray!


Thought Bubble is a comics convention I've long eavesdropped on and wanted to go to, so this year I figured WHAT THE HEY. I've got my first book with a publisher - I'm going to Disneyland!! And for those who don't know me, the UK + clouds + rain is Disneyland to me. So for any/all of my readers in the UK area, please do come out and say helloooo - I'll be at Table 69A in Royal Armouries Hall, with some copies of Part-Time Princesses, Glitter Kiss, AND even some of JAM! which is RARE for me to have along!

Hope to see you all there!

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I finally started a Gumroad account! Since I have a Comixology account for digital versions of my comics, and you can buy physical copies of my comics already via my website (or this list of swell stores), this will primarily be for PDFs of sketchbook collections I create.

My Portrait of a Hitman sketchbook is now up there for digital download - check it out!


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Commissions Now Open & OTHER FUN NEWWWWS

If you'll be at SPX, Baltimore Comic Con, or New York Comic Con in the next two months and want a commission, pre-order now! Then there'll be no muss, no fuss (no chance of me spilling coffee on the piece while drawing at the show) and I'll have more time to work on it. Just give me a holler, let me know pencil/ink, which character you want, and if you have a preference, please include reference photos! Once you email I'll give ya the paypal address for payment. All sketches will be 8 x 10 on Bristol, $35 for pencil (or $45 for 2 figures in pencil) or $50 for ink ($75 for 2 figures in ink). Yay! (Oh - and Patreon peeps get a discount - become a patron for that and other specials!)

PSST - speaking of SPX and NYCC, I'll be on some panels, yahoo! At SPX I'll be on the Creative Collaboration in Comics  Collectives panel chatting about forming Bmore Into Comics on Saturday from 12:30 - 1:30pm, and at NYCC I'll be on the Kickstarter 101: An Intro to Funding Your Dream Comics Project panel on Friday from 1:30 - 2:30 in Room 1A24.

Come visit!

In February of this year I decided to challenge myself by drawing a hitman a day (all taken from movies, comics, and TV shows). I've placed them all together (along with their memorable quotes) into this "Portrait of a Hitman" mini comic, debuting at SPX! I'll have it available in my store online, or if you're a $3+ patron, you'll get the PDF for free.

The coloring books are back from the printer and look faaaaabulous, I'm so excited about them. The book is still coming along, but check in with my Kickstarter Update page to see the progress as we move along!

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We Did It!

WE DID IT!! The book has been funded, thank you all SO MUCH for your support! It was a crazy ride, but a lot of fun to see so much support and excitement from so many of you readers out there. For the next few months, I'll be posting progress reports about the books on my Kickstarter page - so you can check in there to see how things are going. And if you didn't get a chance to be part of the campaign, it'll let you know when you can get a copy too!

Bonnie Kickstarter begins ... NOW!

I almost posted "Bonnie Kickstarter BEINGS now" because that's how caffeinated/psyched I am for it! And really, I am 100% a Bonnie Kickstarter Being. ANYWAY. I've created my FIRST EVER Kickstarter in order to get a collected Bonnie Volume 1 printed up, so check it and all the rewards and the video with my (awkward) voice and everything over on the Kickstarter page!

Love you guys and all the support over all these years I've been doing Bonnie! Wait, that sounds like I'm ending it - I'm NOT ENDING BONNIE, SHE WILL BE MY FRIEND FOREVER!

May Autobio Comic

It's that time again!

It's May and because I've now reached TWO Milestone Goals on my Patreon page, you all now get one autobio comic per month AAAAAND one colorized Bonnie strip per month!

Here's this month's autobio comic:

Lovin' all the support! And if you want to get MORE STUFF from me per month, become a patron today, weeeee!

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Sharks vs. Mermaids!

YES YES Y'ALL my story Sharks Vs. Mermaids is now out for public consumption in Vertigo's Strange Sports Stories #3!

This is a topic near and dear to my heart - what happens when sharks and mermaids take their ages-old rivalry TO THE RACETRACK! Written by me, drawn by amaaaaazing artist Mike DiMotta. I love it so much! And it's gotten some praise!!

If you become a $3/month PATREON PATRON of mine, I chatted about how exactly I wrote and planned it all out for the artist, since this was the first time I've ever done such a thing.

I think this needs to be a series, right?

April Autobio Comic


For those of you who don't know, I have a Patreon page where lovely fans/friends/supporters can chip in $1, $3, or $10 a month to get extra goodies and support the creation of my comics. As part of Patreon, you set some milestone goals and if that monthly amount reaches those levels, you provide extra fun things.

On mine, at $50 I promised a monthly autobio comic. That goal was reached a couple months ago (for the first one I just added two new Bonnie comics that month) and NOW my second milestone goal has been reached TOO! The second one is to color one Bonnie strip per month, hooray!

So now you all have a monthly autobio comic AND a colored Bonnie strip each month, thanks to the kind folks who are supporting me. This is why I love sites like Patreon - they allow us creators to do more each month and enable you all to be directly involved.

SO ANYWAY thank you all so much. To check out April's autobio comic and to become a patron, click here!

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Motivating Through the Slumps

Sometimes it seems like all the creative roadblocks are stacked in your way, preventing your access so all you can do is sit there and stew and think EVERYTHING SUCKS. Bad reviews, nasty comments, struggling with a plot bit of a new story, etc etc. It’s tough - you put stuff out there for consumption, and it will be consumed - often in ways you don’t intend or disagree with.

The last few weeks I've felt especially tempted to sink down into some self-whining. One of the reasons is because I'm currently working on story pitches, which can be a bit taxing:

  1. Come up with a super idea!
  2. Explain it perfectly in ways that make everyone excited!
  3. Now throw it into a void and maybe hear nothing about it ever again.
  4. (. . . or only hear about it when it's soundly rejected by multiple people.)

It's hard to write these half-stories, these inklings of fun ideas because (if you're like me) a LOT of your ideas form WHILE you're writing the story, not before. I plan as much as I can stand ahead of time, but it's not until wading through the story with my characters that some things start to make sense. It feels weird to predict what they'll do or where they'll go without going through it with them. That's like cheating!

It's also easy to feel like - why am I wasting my time working on stuff I can't show to anyone (possibly ever) and no one might ever like? That's a larger issue of putting stuff out there to begin with - why bother?

The thing that helps me when I go through these slumpy-slumps is to remember that slumps end. They can be miserable, but also kind of fun in a wallowing way. Enjoy feeling put upon for a tiny bit of time ... and then get over it. Get back to doing what you love to do - CREATE! YOU know why you're bothering, so what if other people don't get it yet. You know there are stories you want to tell, things you want to figure out, things you want to show. Turn off the social streams that make you feel like you're not accomplishing anything. Turn off that voice that keeps telling you you're behind your peers. Remember that when you're in this biz -- or really any creative endeavor -- rejection is part of it. And so is work for work's sake - none of it is wasted. Even the tiny little pitches you keep murdering and burying, stacking one one top of another. Somehow, some day they will all feed into your future work and they will all be valuable.

Slump slump slump .... time's up. Get back to it!

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Five Things I Learned Writing Part-Time Princesses

The super cool Chuck Wendig let me join in his stellar series of "Five Things I Learned ..." posts to share what I learned writing Part-Time Princesses (available now!)

Check out the article here, and if by some reason you haven't heard of Chuck's blog before, it is CHOCK FULL (Chuck full?) of helpful tips and exercises for writers. His books are AMAZEBALLS and full of crazy twitchy characters I adore.

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Emerald City Next Week!

It's almost time for one of my favorite crazy big super shows - Emerald City Comic Con! I'll be at Table M-05, which if you were there last year, is the same spot, hooray! (Click the map to see an enlarged version)

That's right, it's happening next weekend, and besides the fact that it's always a super fun show for me .... this year it'll be EXTRA out of control because it coincides with the release of my new book Part-Time Princesses!


So to celebrate, I'll have these limited edition (limited edition because I had no clue how many to print and guessed at a tiny number) posters for sale at my table to commemorate this occasion!

So if you're at ECCC, come say hello and get yourself a poster and it will make my 2015. It will MAKE IT! And if you're NOT at ECCC, please go get my book when it comes out on Wednesday, March 25th! I'll be about to leave for Seattle but not quite, so I'm going to have a private, somber solo book release party. With my cats. My cats better come, the ungrateful jerks ...

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STAPLE this weekend!

Helllloooo from the depths of the winter tundra in which I currently reside!

I'm planning on burrowing out of here early tomorrow morn and heading on down to the fantastically mild Austin climate for some Staple! action this weekend. If you're in the nearby to Austin area, come on out and see me! I'll have a selection of things, including these things:

OHHH I'll also have a preview copy of my NEW BOOK but no actual copies yet .... ;)

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Hitmen Pin-ups Week 4

Wee, the last and FINAL WEEK of my daily Hitmen Pin-up drawings is done! This was a super fun challenge - well just the drawing part, finding hitmen was surprisingly easy. Let me know which one you guys think turned out the best. I'll post a mondo huge compilation of all of them, too.

If you're interested in buying a print of any of them, they'll be available for sale to my Patreon patrons! So if you'd like a print, just chip in a wee $1 a month and you can purchase one!