CGS Sketches
/Here are the wee sketches I did this weekend at CGS Supershow! I had a great time, hangin' out with local-ish creators who make me laugh. :)
A big thank you to everyone who came out and said hey-lo!
Here are the wee sketches I did this weekend at CGS Supershow! I had a great time, hangin' out with local-ish creators who make me laugh. :)
A big thank you to everyone who came out and said hey-lo!
Now that show season is in full swing, I get to do one of the things I like best - commission sketches!
Now, I normally just do them at shows as people come up and order them from me, but this year I wanted to add another level. My next show coming up is the Stumptown Comics Fest in Portland, Oregon (actually, my NEXT show is CGS Supershow this coming weekend, but I don't have enough time to book commissions before that one. :( However, if you're GOING to Supershow, I will definitely still be doing commissions at the show!)
So if you're going to Stumptown this year and would like a commission from me, why not order one in advance? That way you can just swing on by and pick up your piece, rather than waiting and checking back and seeing if I've finally gotten around to it yet. The commissions will be on 5" x 7" Bristol Board, and they'll be $10 for pencil, $15 for ink.
Here's what a typical pencil sketch from me would look like ...
** The photo quality of these isn't great since I took them at shows with my phone. Basically, pencil = blue pencil.
And here's what an inked/graytoned one would look like ...
Here's the handy dandy Paypal button to order. Simply include a note with what you want the sketch to be, or you can always send me an email at lipstickisspress at gmail dot com.
I almost got some Bonnie and Gods comics up for you guys before I left, but sadly ran out of time during the inking phase. Curses! But that just means double double updates next week!
And just a reminder for all you peeps attending Emerald City Comicon this weekend, I'll be chillin at table E-11! ;) Come by and I guarantee you'll get to see me shoving food into my face. Because that's what I always seem to be doing when people come up to talk to me at cons.
Here we go, here we go, on our way to Shangri-La! (Yes, that is a Clutch reference. Shout out to all the Marylanders out there.). I'm just all excited because it's about to be convention season all up in here!
Normally I kick off the season in March with Staple, but sadly I won't be at that beloved convention this year. Instead I'm flying out to the rainy, greeny Seattle for Emerald City Comicon. I've been DYING to go to Seattle since I realized I have a penchant for rainy weather and I first saw an episode of Frasier. I can't wait to see what this convention is all about. Going to a new convention is like getting to know a new friend - at first you're not quite sure how things will go. Will they be fun to be around? Comfortable? Respect your personal space? Full of energy? Smelly? All of these things are important going in. True, I've never had a really BAD con experience (although some have involved peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, stage fright, and one cartoonist being forced to sing the opening score to Star Trek) and I always enjoy the chance to get to know a new one, but you neeeever know if they'll fit in to your lexicon of Cons You're In Love With.
But for now, it's prep time! First, I've finally gotten around to publishing my next two Bonnie N. Collide books - that's #5 and #6!
Now complete with tiny recaps in the beginning, so you'll have a hankering on what's happened so far. Or, you could just get the 2nd Bonnie N. Collide Triple Pack, compiling books #4 - #6 and read for yourself!
Speaking of triple packs, I've combined three of my autobiographical comics into this cute little number:
This cute little pack combines my books Middle School, When I Was A Mall Model, and Go For the Eyes in one sweet little set. I don't know what it is about streamlined packaging that really gets me, but I LOVE it. Therefore, I keep repackaging my books over and over. It's a thing with me.
For Emerald City I've also got some new prints lined up, and as per usual I'll be doing pencil and inked sketches at the show. I'll be at table E-11 in Artist Alley, as well as at the Oni Booth at some point signing some Glitter Kiss's. Come on out and say hello! And if you're a Rat City rollergirl, come on out and get a free sketch with purchase! :)
OH and this will all be available in my Store and Etsy Shop post-convention!
With Emerald City Comic Con looming on the horizon with its greeny glow, I've finally posted a collection of sketches I’ve done for lovely peeps at conventions over the years! Head over here to my Portfolio Section to check 'em out!
Here's just one of many ...
I'm currently reporting from a blank room full of piles of my belongings, hunkered down on two boxes of comics inventory. That's right, I'm all moved into my new home! Woo! Now, my next challenge is locating all of my stuff. And/or finding places to put them that make sense. At least my cats have come out of their litterbox, where they spent moving day smooshed together in mutual horror at the new enviornment and all the crashing around of the movers. It was the cutest truce I've ever seen in Kitty Land before.
Anyway, I wanted to take a minute to recap about my super great weekend trip to Wizard World New Orleans last week and share all the fun commissions I got to draw (if you follow me on Tumblr or Instagram, you were already inundated with these during the con!) Since I seldom do big shows I wasn't sure what to expect. Plus, being in New Orleans my table helpers/manservants were sure to be scarce at the very best (the lure of bloody mary's and the French Quarter is not something I would begrudge them succumbing to). WWNOLA was a nice, spacious con. It wasn't so choked with people that you had trouble getting around, yet there was a constant stream of attendees. Everyone I spoke to was incredibly enthusiastic and supportive about comics. Once again, as with other big shows like Baltimore Comic Con, I was pleased to see so many families there. Especially families who dressed up as teams of superheroes. I love the potential embarrassment of family superhero costumes, but honestly a lot of them were really pulling it off. Normally I don't get too jazzed about celebrity appearances either, but I have to say that walking in behind Kevin Sorbo and having Michael Madsen in my line of sight for most of the convention was pretty sweet. I wandered by the Walking Dead actors too, but sadly didn't get to glimpse any of the Star Trek folks. But hey - Patrick Stewart will be at Emerald Comic Con, so maybe I'll get another chance!
On to the drawings!
Sorry everyone, but there won't be any Bonnie updates this week, since I'm trudging through my MOVING NIGHTMARE. Rookie House-Buying Tip: Don't schedule your move into your new house the weekend you get back from a wonderful comic convention in New Orleans. Just saying. But I'm pretending that my arm muscles have grown exponentially from all the graphic novels I've been hauling. MAD GUNS on these arms. Wait, are arm guns the biceps or the forearms?
Hopefully I'll be all hooked back up by the end of the weekend, but if not I might have some delirious blog posts from my phone. Thanks for bearing with me!
P.S. I finally saw The Dark Knight Rises, and Bane's voice was as deliciously theatrical and Sean Connery-esque as I'd been promised. Loved it! I mean, you have to figure he better EMOTE with that voice since there's shit all over his face. Am I right? Also, I did like Catwoman, but I'll post more later on that. In the meantime ... at Wizard World New Orleans I did this pencil sketch of Pepper Potts for a lovely woman in an Iron Man dress who didn't get to pick it up - please email me and let me know if this is yours!
In case you haven't already been inundated by me tweeting/tumbling/facebooking these photos, here're some of my sketches from TriCon this past weekend:
And, last but not least, your moment of Zen ...
Have I mentioned that I'll be exhibiting at the Stumptown Comics Fest this weekend?
My two li'l printers are hard at work right now churning out copies of my latest autobio mini-comic GO FOR THE EYES!
It's debuting at Stumptown but I'll have it for sale from my shop when I get back. 24 pages of pure awkward, undiluted self-defense! Can you dig it??
In the meantime, you can preview the comic right here.
I'll be exhibiting at table D-18, alongside the superbly talented Mike DiMotta! We'll be there with loads of smiles (and layers, probably - it's unpredictable Portland, right?) and stuff for you to look at. Come on out and visit!
Have I mentioned that I'll be exhibiting at the Stumptown Comics Fest this weekend?
My two li'l printers are hard at work right now churning out copies of my latest autobio mini-comic GO FOR THE EYES!
It's debuting at Stumptown but I'll have it for sale from my shop when I get back. 24 pages of pure awkward, undiluted self-defense! Can you dig it??
In the meantime, you can preview the comic right here.
I'll be exhibiting at table D-18, alongside the superbly talented Mike DiMotta! We'll be there with loads of smiles (and layers, probably - it's unpredictable Portland, right?) and stuff for you to look at. Come on out and visit!
Whew! Quelle weekend! First things first - I'm starting to transition stuff over to a new Etsy store (one that has a more reasonable name than "Artemna", which is what my store is currently called), and I just placed my Mad Men Greek Myth prints up there! In a couple weeks there'll be nothing left in the Artemna shop, so come join the party over at LipsticKissPress!
I've got loads of news and updates and fun. But allow me to take a moment to gush about how wonderful all the people were who came by to stop and chat and purchase things at my table at the Baltimore Comic-Con were this weekend!
I usually don't like to harp on the fact that I'm a woman making comics (*gasp*!) but luckily for every douchebag that comes up to me and ridicules my stuff (especially Boobage - mature, right?), or asks me if I'm the comic artist's girlfriend, or just wants to take a picture with me but not read any of my stuff ... there are families, dads, moms, kids, teachers, fellow comickers, and comics fans who come by and make it all worthwhile. They tell me they identified with one of my awkward stories, enjoyed the gore of my assassin comic, or are as much of a Greek Myth nerd as I am. And that just puffs me up with happiness and makes me want to do so much more. So thanks, everyone!
The Greek God wrist cuffs were a HUGE hit, I'm so thrilled! I have more gods and designs and plans to do custom orders soon, so stay tuned!
In other upcoming news, Bonnie will resume updating next Wednesday, August 31st. Mark your calendars! And look for Gods & Undergrads to resume soon, too.
Now - on to the sketches I did this weekend!
As always, if you'd like a commissioned piece of artwork, contact me and we can chat!
Just got back from my first time attending the Comic Geek Speak Supershow in Reading, PA, and it was fabulorasa! It was a pleasantly small show, which meant more room to spread out, a lack of B.O. in the air, and more time for shmoozing with fans and comickers. I was honored to be part of the Indie Spinner Rack line-up of tables - which included Fred Van Lente, Colleen Frakes, Sean Ford, Fred Chao, GB Tran, Jeff LaGreca, and of course Charlito & Mr. Phil themselves. At first, Dennis and I couldn't figure out where the correct entrance to the convention was and tried to sneak into the neighboring Gun Show next door. (which always makes me think of DOG SHOW! in my head) Alas, one look at me and I was told I "didn't look like I was here for guns". The nerve!
Sitting next to the food stand all weekend meant every wonderful second of each day, the air smelled like BACON. Which was heavenly. Unfortunately, the bacon was in smell only, because what they were really cooking up was hot dogs. Me - disappointment. Boyfriend - ELATION. This prompted us to spend most of the weekend trying to guess what the sign language for "hot dog" was. Turns out, it's this. Which is actually dirtier looking than what we'd come up with.
I got to draw my first pin-up girl for Kevin Freeman of SubCulture Comic fame:
Dennis made fun of me for making her slightly slouchy. How was I supposed to know pin-up girls ONLY had stellar posture?
Never having been to Reading before, I was impressed by the pretty pretty mountains, the amazing hospitality of the CGS guys, the guacamole made at the table of our restaurant, and how convenient it was just to drive up there for a weekend. I got to check in with my fave gal Danielle Corsetto, meet the loverly Erica Hesse in person, meet the awesome Andy Jewett in person, and speak on my very first comic panel! All around, great times, wrapped up by pizza and Charlito trashing a men's room. RAWK.
Just got back from my first time attending the Comic Geek Speak Supershow in Reading, PA, and it was fabulorasa! It was a pleasantly small show, which meant more room to spread out, a lack of B.O. in the air, and more time for shmoozing with fans and comickers. I was honored to be part of the Indie Spinner Rack line-up of tables - which included Fred Van Lente, Colleen Frakes, Sean Ford, Fred Chao, GB Tran, Jeff LaGreca, and of course Charlito & Mr. Phil themselves. At first, Dennis and I couldn't figure out where the correct entrance to the convention was and tried to sneak into the neighboring Gun Show next door. (which always makes me think of DOG SHOW! in my head) Alas, one look at me and I was told I "didn't look like I was here for guns". The nerve!
Sitting next to the food stand all weekend meant every wonderful second of each day, the air smelled like BACON. Which was heavenly. Unfortunately, the bacon was in smell only, because what they were really cooking up was hot dogs. Me - disappointment. Boyfriend - ELATION. This prompted us to spend most of the weekend trying to guess what the sign language for "hot dog" was. Turns out, it's this. Which is actually dirtier looking than what we'd come up with.
I got to draw my first pin-up girl for Kevin Freeman of SubCulture Comic fame:
Dennis made fun of me for making her slightly slouchy. How was I supposed to know pin-up girls ONLY had stellar posture?
Never having been to Reading before, I was impressed by the pretty pretty mountains, the amazing hospitality of the CGS guys, the guacamole made at the table of our restaurant, and how convenient it was just to drive up there for a weekend. I got to check in with my fave gal Danielle Corsetto, meet the loverly Erica Hesse in person, meet the awesome Andy Jewett in person, and speak on my very first comic panel! All around, great times, wrapped up by pizza and Charlito trashing a men's room. RAWK.
So after all that careful measuring and planning .... I discovered that I actually had 4' x 2' of room to play with for my display, instead of 2' x 2'. Which worked out perfectly, since I had too much stuff for my puny 2' x 2' space anyway. Hooray for inaccurate planning! Here's the finished display at this year's Stumptown:
It worked out really well - and I was able to keep switching things around and adjusting as the con went on.
I used these new book holders that came in different sizes and weren't as unwieldy as ones I've bought in the past:
To get my signs hanging up over the top of the books, I used a couple of things - photo cubes (with my logo added to the inside):
And wire holders to sit on the photo cubes and hold my name and website signs:
I had to tape everything down with masking tape and add some cardboard to the back of the signs to keep them from flopping over, but in the end - success! They even withstood the steady draft of the air conditioning that pelted us throughout the convention.
And now - Lipstick & Malice Triple Pack is available in my Etsy store, woot!
As I'm sitting here, frantically alternately printing out books for my upcoming convention and replacing paper/ink cartridges, I'm starting to think about how to best display my work at said convention. I've already shown some of the ways I've displayed books in the past, but every show is always a wee bit different. For this show, one of my big challenges will be the size of the table space I'll have:
I'll be sharing a 6-foot table with two other comickers, so that leaves me with about 2-feet x 2-feet space for li'l old me. Considering that at my last convention, I had an 8-foot table to myself, I'm going to need to do some creative re-working of my products.
First, what am I even bringing along to sell? There are some books:
... And then there are some prints.
Now, clearly there isn't enough room to lay everything out flat - I'll have to start combining some things. I'll also need some good display items - racks, stands, what have you. Over the years I've dabbled in some different options, but so far I seem to have only these at my disposal, currently:
Hmm. I might need to hit up Michael's this week and see what else I can find. Stay tuned for the next installment - how on earth do I fit what I have into the space provided??
Monica Gallagher is a comic book creator, illustrator and freelance designer making work for hire with a positive, feminist spin.
TCAF - Toronto, ON, Canada // June 7 - 8
Heroes Con - Charlotte, NC // June 20 - 22
Tucson Comic Con - Tucson, AZ // Aug. 29 - 31
Small Press Expo - Rockville, MD // Sep. 13 - 14
Denton Comic Art Expo - Denton, TX // Sep. 27
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