Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #252


Of COURSE Bonnie believes in Bigfoot. Don't we all?

Calling all you West Coasters! I'll be at ECCC this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! I met a bunch of y'all last year and you gave me such a nice Seattle welcome. Let's do it again, woooo! Oh, and I'll have books and will be doing sketches and things too. :) Here's where to find me:

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #251


I actually don't remember if Herb's been in a sweater vest situation before, but I'm certain it's such a rare occurrence it warrants gasping.

Calling all you West Coasters! I'll be at ECCC this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! I met a bunch of y'all last year and you gave me such a nice Seattle welcome. Let's do it again, woooo! Oh, and I'll have books and will be doing sketches and things too. :) Here's where to find me:

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five


Since my flight got in late last night due to East Coast Snow Shenanigans (including finding my car doors frozen shut WHO DOES THAT??), I hope you will all forgive me for instead posting this sketch of Cheryl as a Super Villain, which I drew on the plane. In between a Bloody Mary and a cranky old man sitting next to me.

I had a GREAT time at Staple this year, and I met loads of fun/cool people who came by and chatted with me. I'll post a big ol' blog thingie about it soon, but if you want to check out some of my sketches I was doing at the show, you can head to my Tumblr and Instagramses!

Bonnie updates will be a little wonky this week, so I don't know when exactly they'll appear, but by golly they WILL appear!

Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #242


Not trying to get TOO emo with Fran here, but when you work really hard to be part of something as awesome as derby, sometimes watching your friends and peers get through the goal hoops before you do can be a bit heartbreaking. A lot of people focus on all the glitz and glamour of derby, which is totally cool, but it also requires a lot of difficult work at something you may or may not be good at! The point is (it was for me at least) that as fun and exciting as it is you still really EARN your spot on a league and on a team!

Anyway, that's just my little derby PSA for the day. ;)