Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five #233
/Derby pasts are always sordid.
Derby pasts are always sordid.
Sirens + Muses, enemies FOREVVVVARRRRR! Because if there's one thing that's important to Bonnie, it's knowing who her rivals are. ;)
To Agro Amelia, or not to Agro Amelia!
Ohhh, the TEAM FEAR.
...And we're back! Happy 2014 everybody, let's get this party started!
Big thanks to you locals who came out for Bmore Into Comics #2 this weekend - you can read the recap here! :)
I apologize for this lame stand in for a comic update today. Preparation for and the aftermath of New Year's kicked my ass and made me lay around and watch Sherlock all day (I really can't complain about that, that show is my new favorite everything). BUT! I mainly wanted to check in and tell you guys about a local comics event I'm hosting this weekend - Bmore Into Comics #2: THE REVENGE! (we're calling it that because Issue #2 was originally cancelled due to snow, so now we have comics vengeance all up in here!) There'll be a bunch of local comics creators there, such as Danielle Corsetto, Rafer Roberts, Melody Often, Kata Kane, Jonathon Eaton … the list goes on and on! I'll be there with Bonnie stickers and books and hanging prints, so if you're anywhere near Baltimore, come check us out! We'll be drinking and chatting and it'll be a fantastic time. Here's the Facebook event page with all the deets!
I'll catch you guys next week with regular Bonnie strips once again!
And last but definitely not least ... say hello to The NIHILISTIC NYMPHS!
The Nymphs are known for their overall badass-ery on and off the track. Fierce competitors, fierce athletes, and fierce friends! No one's a tighter knit group than the Nymphs, and they keep their strategies very hush-hush. The only member we've met so far is Agro Amelia - and we know enough to stay far, far away!
Congrats to all the teammates! (i.e. those lovely skaters who wrote in to tell me their derby stories)
And that's it for all the home teams of Bonnie's league! I had SUCH a blast hearing from you derby-ers out there and getting a chance to draw you (even if it doesn't necessarily look like you - heh heh). And for those of you who wanted to be involved but missed the deadline this time, not to worry! I'd love to do this again and scheme up some way to involve you guys in the comic, so stay tuned.
Everyone have a lovely last bit of 2013, and Bonnie will be back with regular strips next week! Thanks again to all of you for reading this year. In 2013, I put out 86 strips! (which may not seem all that impressive, but then compare it to the mere 56 I put out in 2012!) And I couldn't have done it without all of you out there reading and commenting and sharing Bonnie's story. Okay okay, I'll stop getting gushy. Thank you!
(For those of you who might be confused about these last couple of strips, I had put a call out for any derby skaters out there to be a part of the comic - all it took was submitting their name/attitude/photo. I took all the submissions and found them a spot on one of Bonnie's league's home teams. These are the results! :) )
Time for the third team! Say hello to The SNEERING SIRENS!
The Sneering Sirens are all about being clever and tricksy. They don't appreciate flash and glamour and superficial tactics to outwit their opponents. They're on the edge, riding the line, and they KNOW you'll never see them coming! Capt. Amy Hazeballs is the beloved wife of the Hammerin' Harpies's Hattie Hellfire, and Tyrion Sinister is head of the coaches team. The rest are all readers!
Congrats to all the teammates! (i.e. those lovely skaters who wrote in to tell me their derby stories)
(Confession: I.M. Pain and Doris are both from my swell home league of the Charm City Roller Girls, and it was purely by accident they wound up on the same team, haha!) Go Sirens! One more team for tomorrow!
Oh, and just a reminder - these represent your little Bonnie comic cartoon self versions - don't worry (and hopefully don't be offended!) if they don't exxxaaaactly look like the REAL you. ;)
(For those of you who might be confused, I put a call out for any derby skaters out there to be a part of the comic - all it took was submitting their name/attitude/photo. I took all the submissions and found them a spot on one of Bonnie's league's home teams. These are the results! :) )
Second team is up now, which we've spent some more quality time with in the comic: The MURDEROUS MUSES!
Led by Captain Lorelei Getmore, the Muses are bursting with energy and rainbows. Their tactic is to outwit their opponents with color, flash, sweetness and then BAM - hit them when they're not looking! And much like their name suggests, they'll come atcha from every creative place imaginable. Since most of the team has already been introduced to us (Bonnie, Mimi, and Molly), we've only got a couple of readers to add - but that doesn't make them any less fierce!
Congrats to all the teammates! (i.e. those lovely skaters who wrote in to tell me their derby stories)
Go Muses! The final two teams next week!
Oh, and just a reminder - these represent your little Bonnie comic cartoon self versions - don't worry (and hopefully don't be offended!) if they don't exxxaaaactly look like the REAL you. ;)
(For those of you who might be confused, I put a call out for any derby skaters out there to be a part of the comic - all it took was submitting their name/attitude/photo. I took all the submissions and found them a spot on one of Bonnie's league's home teams. These are the results! :) )
Kicking off TEAM WEEK, I present to you the first team drafted with readers: The HAMMERIN' HARPIES!
Led by Captain Hattie Hellfire, the Harpies are all spitfire and brimstone. Their motto is "a little bit of sass goes a long way". Eclectic, creative in their plays, and not above distracting people with crazy, unpredictable moves. Go Harpies!
Congrats to all the teammates! (i.e. those lovely skaters who wrote in to tell me their derby stories)
Harpies, take a bow!
To drag out the fun, I'm going to release these teams one at a time. So come back tomorrow for the next team!
(For those of you who might be confused, I put a call out for any derby skaters out there to be a part of the comic - all it took was submitting their name/attitude/photo. I took all the submissions and found them a spot on one of Bonnie's league's home teams. These are the results! :) )
This week I'll be showcasing some of YOU, dear readers, as being drafted to one of each of the teams in Bonnie's league! Here are the teams as they stand now (pretty bare, eh?), with the characters you've already met. On Thursday, they'll be full of all of you who wrote in to tell me about yourself!
Yes, all the team names are Greek Mythology names. Because I'm that kind of nerd. And please excuse the pencil-sketchiness for now, while I draw everything in! ;)
THIS Saturday is Issue #2 of Bmore Into Comics, wahoo! For those who don't yet know about it, it's a small gathering of local comics creators, exhibiting their work and selling their books in local businesses in and around Baltimore. We started it up last August to great success (which you can read about here). So if you're within driving distance of Baltimore, come on out to the Wind-Up Space from 12:00 - 5:00 this Saturday for some drinks and some comics!
I've added a Donate button over to the sidebar (over on the right, under "Donate to the Comic"), so if you'd like to support the comic in a way OTHER than buying books or any other merch, try this one out! Donate any amount you feel like, and I'll send you the link to get one of these two Bonnie phone wallpapers, as seen here in a screen cap from my phone. :)
THIS Saturday is Issue #2 of Bmore Into Comics, wahoo! For those who don't yet know about it, it's a small gathering of local comics creators, exhibiting their work and selling their books in local businesses in and around Baltimore. We started it up last August to great success (which you can read about here). So if you're within driving distance of Baltimore, come on out to the Wind-Up Space from 12:00 - 5:00 this Saturday for some drinks and some comics!
I've added a Donate button over to the sidebar (over on the right, under "Donate to the Comic"), so if you'd like to support the comic in a way OTHER than buying books or any other merch, try this one out! Donate any amount you feel like, and I'll send you the link to get one of these two Bonnie phone wallpapers, as seen here in a screen cap from my phone. :)
Even Bonnie needs a contemplative pause every now and again.
Next week starts up TEAM SEASON in Bonnie's world! I.e. when teams start preparing for the next season and drafting those fresh meat. Since I wanted to involve you lovely readers more (and less have to draw a billion new characters), I'll be putting in li'l cameos from each of you who has written in to tell me about your derby alter ego. There's still room for some more, so if you'd like to see a mention of you in the comic, go ahead and add your name/league/skating style/what have you in the comments section!
Yay teams!
This is kind of the way I feel in general about all of my friends - NEVER LEAVE, NEVER CHANGE STAY HERE WITH ME FOREVVVVVER. Not that I'm clingy ;)
I drew a little comic yesterday about my frustration over the fact that there STILL isn't a Wonder Woman movie in the works - check it out here!
Happy Gobble Gobble Day! A.k.a. Thanksgiving for all the Americans out there gearing up to stuff their faces on this most holy of holidays. To everyone else out there, hope you're having a lovely Thursday and not reaching for the antacids before 3:00. :)
Sooo tomorrow's the MOST EXTREME SALES DAY OF THE YEAR and I feel like I should participate, so if you go to either my Etsy Shop or my Storenvy one (the Storenvy one has the stickers and books and things, Etsy doesn't allow non-homemade stuff) and enter the coupon code FRIDAYFACE, you'll get 20% off AND I'll throw in a free sticker for fun.
BUT the code won't work until tomorrow - why? Because Thanksgiving should be SHOPPING FREE. Honestly, retailers.
Shout out to Burton Guster!
The most obnoxious day ever is almost upon us! That's right, Black Friday is looming up at the end of this week, taunting everyone with promises of free TVs. But if you'd like to get some sweet deals on some Bonnie merch (or anything else in my stores), I'll be offering 20% off AND a free sticker of your choice! Check back in for the Thursday Bonnie strip and I'll give you the code. :)
STICKERS ARE HERE!! Two Bonnie's, one Herb. You can get them individually or all three. They're each vinyl, waterproof, and just a tad under 4" x 4". Yippee!
Ah, the delicate balance that is derby . . . with everything else. ;) Shout out to all those derby wives out there! It's about time we got to have some dinner and a chat with Mimi.
Hey guys, I want to give a shout-out to my mailing list - if you join it, I'll bug you once a month tops with upcoming projects and super secret sales! I might have one coming up sooooon, just for mailing list people ... *hint hint* *cough cough* *wink wink*
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